Weekday Pleasure Parties are a HIT!

weekday pleasure parties sex toy parties tuesday wednesday thursdayWhen you think of pleasure parties, I’m sure you think Fridays or Saturdays. Well, I’ve been getting lots of requests lately for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday parties from all over the country. Is something going on that I don’t know about? Well, I’ve thought about it and being in the nightlife industry as well, “Afterwork Parties” are all the rage. So, why not instead of paying cover charge for a club and $10+ a drink (in NYC), host a fun and free ‘afterwork pleasure party’ right at home with your friends and co-workers. You’ll get fun sex education, play some fun games and do some FUN shopping! All, while getting 10% of the total party sales for free.

How ’bout that?

Click here to book your weekday sex toy party now!