2008 GOALS – Business AND Personal

Well, I said I’d write these and this needs to be done LAST MONTH. So here we go…

I’m not going to think too hard. I think if I keep it simple, then post goals for the month or even the week, they will become more achievable. For example, here are two typical goals many women have (including myself): Become organized. Technically, you could BECOME organized within a days time. Now staying organized is a whole ‘nother thing. But still…that could happen in a few weeks. After all, they say it takes 21 days to make/break a habit. Another Example: Lose Weight. Well, I guess here it would depend on how much you need to lose. If you need to lose 52 lbs, then at a healthy pound per week…it is a year long goal. Otherwise, if you need to lose less than that, you are setting yourself up for disaster. Are you really giving yourself a whole year to lose 20 lbs? That needs to be broken down to a few months. Quit Smoking: Not a goal, this is a resolution…and should be done cold turkey from Jan 1st. (as I puff puff away… *sigh*)

So….with that said. I surely need to become organized and lose weight, but I will break those down into month long goals. As for smoking…ehhh…maybe when I achieve the 2 most important REAL goals I have for 2008.

BUY A HOME!!! I truly, honestly, desperately would like 2008 to be our year to become first-time home owners!! I will look into first time home buyers programs in NJ and continue to save for all the upfront costs.

BECOME PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTOR!! This one will not be easy…HOWEVER…I have several things on my side. See, I need 7 Directors to achieve this goal. I currently have 2 solid Directors+ and 4 girls with their own goals to become Director or higher status. That right there, gives me 6. I just need to recruit or build others on my team to want that too!

These are two very major goals and I will work on only these while breaking the lose weight and become organized into smaller monthly, but steady, goals. 🙂